How to Choke Out, Lock Up or KO Any Attacker ...within Seconds!
(with Live Proof on Video)
After achieving Black Belt Certification at 17 in Kyokushin Karate (the strongest Karate system in the world) & becoming one of the youngest "non-Asian" Bare Knuckle Full Contact champions at only 21 in 1987 (recorded live on the "Knock Out Any Attacker" Video), I put on a white belt & earned Black Belts in Judo & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu! Save thousands of dollars and years of guesswork...
This course reveals the Best of Karate, Judo, & Jiu-Jitsu accelerating your learning curve!
With the very information practiced in these videos, I was throwing & tapping BLACK BELTS with decades of experience in the Black Belt division of many tournaments. (see live matches on the "Advanced Grappling & Groundfighting" Video putting these moves to work!)
Take advantage of these specials TODAY!
Respectfully, Marco Lala
DIGITAL COPY: Desktop or Laptop Recommended 416.39 MB
A Scientific Approach to dirty fighting! Learn how to really train these techniques and use them instantly.
How much space and time do you really have in an elevator, subway car, bar, restroom or building lobby, or vestibule...
For the first time, you can now learn the fastest way to transition from the more "pressure-tested" sport-friendly strikes and submissions to include attacks to vital "soft targets" and devastating striking surfaces. Including gauging, headbutts, and hair manipulation techniques.
Many systems claim that they teach "deadly" fighting techniques so they can't compete or put them to the test in a competitive or sports fighting situation. There is some truth to this, but only when you have mastered more "sport" friendly training and fighting encounters, can you really learn to "substitute" these vicious fight-ending strikes in an optimal fashion. That's what this video does!
Also features head butts from the mount, side control, scarf hold... sprawls enhanced with hair pulling. Attacking the eyes with gouges, scrapes, and raking in grappling and close-quarter situations. So many variations and scenarios!
Best weapons to use against the eyes; use your head from any angle; escape holds with hair pulling... plus much more!
This clip demonstrates the complexity and variety of some of the most misconceived techniqes for the street:
Original Release: 1994 RT: 50 min
Follow Us:
Marco Lala
Founder of Tettsu-Bushi Jitsu Fighting System
Holds Black Belts in Kyokushin Karate; Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & Kodokan Judo
Former Bare Knuckle Champion
The world's most comprehensive digital Home Study program available today. Thousands of students, professional athletes, law enforcement, and military personnel from all over the world have benefitted from this extremely detailed course.
Since 1986
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I started my martial arts training in 1994. Once I started I was hooked for life. I would buy every TKD and martial arts magazine I could find in the bookstores. I was always interested in the ads I would see for different products or videos (this was before dvd’s:). I can’t tell you how much money I spent on different videos, books, and stretching machines, but I can tell you that most of them were not worth what I paid for them. I remember very clearly ordering and receiving my first video from Marco Lala, “Beyond Splits, Volume 1”. I can’t remember what I paid but I do remember thinking I got more than my money’s worth. It wasn’t long before I owned every vhs tape he had produced. What I loved and still love about the videos is that I find them incredibly inspirational. When I see Marco going through the drills or exercises in a school yard, his backyard, basement, or old dojo I get excited and ready to train. I opened my own TKD academy in 1999 and purchased all the Iron Warrior instructional as DVD’s. Over the years I no longer watch anything on DVD eventually got rid of all those videos. I am so thrilled that they are being re-released on a downloadable format. These videos are just as educational, relevant, and inspirational to me today as they were over 20 years ago. I think they are an invaluable addition to anyone’s library regardless of the art you practice. If you are a karate or TKD practitioner these videos will give you endless ideas for training, teaching classes, and can add a whole new dimension of ground fighting to your arsenal. I find my energy to train and teach gets a boost every time I watch a few minutes of the videos. I am very grateful these are available to us all again! OSU!!
Nathan Hatton, BJJ Instructor Ontario Canada:
“I ordered as much as I could from Marco Lala… thank heavens Marco is back!”
Tom Bowers, Chief Instructor, Bridgewater, VA
“I didn’t have a lot of faith in video learning… [Marco] helped me bridge the gap between tradition and reality.”
Dr. Prashant NAIR, Orthodontist, Actor, Martial Artist- Kochi India
“Way ahead of his time… thank you Marco for making some of the best instructional tapes on martial arts!”
Grand Master Philip Ameris Taekwondo-Ameris.com Kensington , PA
“Some of the best out there. On a scale of 1 to 10, I definitely give it a 10 for all his products!”
Gregory Hall, founder, G-Tek Martial Arts, Manchester England
“I was very privileged to see Marco’s tapes many years ago… I really loved it. I got them… again!”
...I finally found my long lost Phenomenal Endurance Training book last week, I've began following some of the training instructions in it again, almost 30 years after you wrote it it's STILL top notch information.
By following your tape and a sound diet, I've reduced my body fat percentage to 5.1% without sacrificing any physical strength. As an instructor for U.S. Army Green Beret's, I've introduced many of your training secrets to my students. The overall results have been tremendous!